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Unfortunately, many people do not realise that not all firms advertising personal injury services are solicitors. In fact, a very large proportion of the accident claim websites and adverts you see are not from solicitors.
Choosing the right injury lawyer can be a minefield for the unwary, so we have listed six good reasons for choosing Slee Blackwell.
When a legal action is struck out by a court for some procedural error or a failure to comply with a limitation date the blame invariably falls on the losing party’s solicitor. We are regularly consulted by people who have been the victim of a court decision that has effectively scuppered their legal claim.
As solicitors specialising in cosmetic surgery negligence claims throughout the country we are often asked for guidance by people who are thinking about going under the knife. The risks of a cosmetic surgery disaster can never be totally eradicated, but if you follow our top 7 tips then it will reduce the chances of things going horribly wrong.
If you are thinking about making a zebra crossing accident claim these are the legal issues you will need to consider. For a free assessment of your claim and details of no win, no fee funding give us a call or send us an email.
We specialise in stress at work cases. To find out if you are entitled to claim compensation for work related stress from your employer simply complete the 'Can I make a stress at work claim' Questionnaire below and we will provide you a with a free case assessment and details of no win, no fee funding.
The cost of care is increasing and many of those entitled to 'Continuing Healthcare' funding are not aware of their rights to claim. In order to make a Continuing Healthcare Claim for yourself or your loved one, the primary care need must be for 'healthcare' rather than social care.