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Call our legal helpline on 0333 888 0408

More information on Travel Injury Claims:

Our lawyers are experienced in bus and coach accident claims. For a free case assessment and details of no win, no fee funding give us a call on 0333 888 0408 or email us at
Statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) revealed that slips, trips and falls at work are the single most common types of injury sustained at work. In fact, they account for over a third of all major work-related injuries and half of all reported injuries to members of the public. Such injuries cost employers over £512m a year in lost production.
Wearing a cycle helmet isn’t compulsory. It isn’t a criminal offence to cycle without one and there are no criminal penalties if you chose not to do so. However, a recent Court decision shows that there could be other legal consequences which impact heavily upon any cyclist who suffers a head injury and has chosen not to wear one.
A new personal injury claims process has been set up by the Ministry of Justice, defendant car insurers and claimant injury solicitors, with the aim of streamlining the claims process for road traffic accident claims. The objective is to decrease the time it takes to settle a personal injury compensation claim and to cut down the amount of paperwork involved.
The last few years have seen a sharp rise in the number of mobility scooters on our pavements and in our shopping centres. Given the ageing population and cheaper scooters currently being developed, these numbers look set to increase as do the number of mobility scooter accidents.