The Daily Mail has reported that accident claims companies are taking ‘ambulance chasing’ to a new level. The antics of these so called ‘claims companies’ have long tainted the legal profession in the eyes of the public, who mistake them for solicitors. Now they have been discovered approaching patients whilst they are still being treated in A&E.
The distinction should be drawn between these accident claims companies and genuine solicitors. The introduction of no-win no-fee legislation back in 1995 and government reforms to the legal aid system led to the growth of unqualified claims companies to the point where they now dominate the market.
These claims companies make money from selling on injury claims to the highest bidder, but they rarely make this clear to the consumer. The sales forces patrolling the country’s A&E departments are unlikely to have any legal qualifications. They work on a commission basis and are preying on patients at their lowest point.
People are urged to report these activities to the authorities. By making unsolicited approaches, they are breaking the code of conduct and giving the legal profession a bad name.
The Daily Mail recounts the story of Jim Folley, 72, who was being treated at Burnley General Hospital when he was approached by employees of an accident claim company as he sat in a casualty waiting room. Mr. Folley said two ‘scurrilous’ looking men, both dressed in suits approached him, having seen that he was bandaged. They asked whether he had considered making an accident compensation claim. Horrified by this, Mr Folley got in touch with the press and has had the ambulance chasers removed from the hospital..
Solicitors who have bought in work from claims companies employing these methods could be in breach of the Solicitors Code of Conduct. However some firms are unable to attract their own clients and are therefore willing to deal with claim companies – despite the questionable marketing methods they use.
By coming direct to specialist personal injury solicitors like us, you are assured of dealing with a long established and reputable legal practice with a first rate track record of recovering maximum compensation for personal injury clients.