Building site accident claim cases
By their very nature, building sites are places where risk and danger are commonplace. It’s exactly because they are such hazardous environments that employers and site operators have a duty of care to protect employees working on site.
Taking adequate safety measures to prevent an accident
All employers and site operators have to carry out a risk assessment for health and safety purposes, making sure they take reasonable and practical steps to ensure, as best they can, the safety of their workers.
This includes providing staff with adequate safety equipment, as well as providing suitable training.
Insurance cover
It’s compulsory for employers to have sufficient insurance to cover any injury claim that may arise.
In the unfortunate event of an accident occurring on site the insurance company will cover the employer and will meet any compensation awarded.
If we deal with your claim we will liaise with the insurers, arranging to inspect the workplace, take photographs and obtain witness statements to support the claim.
You should report any accident that occurs on site so it can be formally recorded in the site accident book.
The types of construction accidents you can claim for
You can claim for any accident suffered where your employer or site operators were to blame. Here are some of the most common accidents that we have dealt with:
1. Lifting heavy objects
Back injury is a particularly common injury and can lead to a significant amount of time off work to recover. In particularly serious cases the accident victim may be unable to return to their duties. If a substantial amount of your daily work involves heavy lifting then your employer should assess you and provide you with the necessary training or equipment to carry out the tasks safely. You should not be asked to lift items which are too heavy and might result in an injury.
2. Dangerous machinery
The key questions are:
– Was the machinery suitable for the task involved?
– Has it been maintained properly?
– Have you been given the right training and safety equipment?
3. Defective scaffolding
It is common for scaffolding to collapse on building sites. If it has not been erected safely or it has not been subjected to the relevant safety checks, then your employer (or the site occupier) is likely to be liable.
4. Falls from roofs and ladders
Again this is another common construction accident.
– Were you given the right safety equipment?
– Was a risk assessment carried out to ensure you were working in a safe environment
5. Other construction site accidents:
– Floors, stairways and pathways that haven’t been kept clear and free from obstruction.
– Work vehicles, such as forklifts, dumper trucks and cranes should that aren’t in good condition and safe to use
– Broken or defective safety harnesses
– Electrocution due to faulty wiring systems or inadequate safety procedures
– Unsuitable protective clothing or safety apparatus
– Unsuitable lighting or visibility
– Injury caused by co-workers’ carelessness
– Insufficient training for the task
– Burns and chemical injuries
– Accidents with power tools
– Accidents caused by construction debris
– Fires and explosions
– Work related upper limb disorders (WRULD) and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
How we can help you with your claim
We have an excellent track record of successfully claiming compensation. We operate a free legal helpline and deal with claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. Call us today for a free, no-obligation assessment on 0333 888 0408, or email us at