Surprisingly, there is currently no one, form which is used consistently throughout the NHS for the monitoring of key health indicators.
The proposed new National Early Warning Score would record respiratory rate, oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, pulse and level of consciousness. It is estimated that use of the new patient monitoring form (which was drawn up by the RCP and RCN) would lead to earlier medical intervention and could save up to 6,000 patients’ lives a year.
It was reported in The Daily Telegraph that Professor Bryan Williams of University College London stated that the use of the new form would have “a major impact.” Professor Williams was part of the working group that developed the new monitoring form.
So far the proposal has met with the approval of the Ministry of Health and it is hoped that the new form will be adopted throughout the NHS within the next 12 months.
Any changes which lead to a more comprehensive and clearer system of patient monitoring are to be welcomed as this will lead to an improvement in patient care and levels of treatment.
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