Awareness of the dangers presented by occupational skin cancer is thankfully improving, but workers and their families continue to be affected by this dreadful disease.
The National Health Service does a fantastic job of helping victims of occupational skin cancer, but while many sufferers can be swiftly and successfully treated, this isn’t always the case.
Those who are seriously affected by occupational skin cancer often turn to the law for redress. Victims may be entitled to make a compensation claim where their condition can be linked to their current job or a previous occupation.
Employers in the UK are legally required to ensure that their staff do not suffer harm or injury while at work. This duty extends to taking reasonable precautions to protect employees from the dangers of skin cancer, particularly in industries and professions where there is a known exposure to sunlight or other substances likely to present a hazard.
Where skin cancer is diagnosed it is always worth considering whether it is likely to be linked to your employment.
If an occupational skin cancer claim can be made then you can recover compensation for your:
- loss of earning;
- medical expenses;
- the ‘pain and suffering’ of the condition; and
- financial provision for dependants, where the illness is terminal.
If you suspect that there is a link and that you (or a family member) is suffering from an occupational skin cancer that has been caused by the working environment then please get in touch with us for a FREE case assessment.
We will review whether a compensation claim can be made and explain to you how No Win, No Fee funding works.