We have successfully recovered compensation for injuries that included road accident anxiety.
We offer a free consultation to anyone needing expert legal guidance on claiming road accident anxiety compensation.
Our personal injury team was approached by a man who had been involved in a car accident in Monmouthshire. Our client suffered injuries to his knee, arm, ribs, eye, and neck, as well as experiencing psychological injuries.
The other driver involved in the car accident had been travelling in the opposite direction to our client. He had intended to turn into a side road off the main road but crossed into the path of our client’s car. This resulted in a collision with the side of our client’s car and caused the defendant’s car to spin out and face the way it had travelled from.
Our client suffered pain and stiffness in his knee and right arm, as well as pain in his torso, neck and shoulder in line with whiplash injuries. Following the incident, he also faced symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Upon instructing us, the claim was registered on the Claim Notification Portal with liability being quickly admitted by the defendant’s insurers. We then obtained a GP report to enable us to gain greater understanding of the immediate and potential long-term injuries our client had suffered.
The medical expert recommended a further opinion from an ophthalmologist due to the client’s ongoing concerns with his eye injury, and a psychological report to address his anxiety and mood disturbance.
We obtained an expert report from a ophthalmologist close to our client’s home. The expert confirmed no treatment would be required to the client’s eye, but he was advised to continue to monitor his progress over the next few years.
The expert psychologist confirmed that our client had developed an adjustment disorder, as well as suffering with anxiety and depression. He recommended that our client complete a course of counselling treatment before returning for an updated assessment.
This advice was followed, and we obtained a second report from the same expert eight months later to ensure we had an accurate diagnosis. At that point the psychologist expected our client’s anxiety to improve over time and that a conclusion to his claim would be of benefit.
Following a detailed discussion with our client regarding the implications of settling a claim, we were instructed to proceed with settlement negotiations. This resulted in our client’s claim being successfully concluded soon after for the sum of £10,500 in full and final settlement.